In need of quality rug restorations? We can help bring your rug back to life.

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PV Restorations have been working with Persian, silk and handmade rugs for over 20 years.

Rug restorations can be a delicate and challenging process, but the results can be truly stunning. A well-restored rug can add beauty and value to your home, and it can be a cherished family heirloom for generations to come.

The first step in any rug restoration is to assess the condition of the rug and determine the best course of action. Once the assessment is complete, the next step is to carefully clean the rug, taking care to preserve the integrity of the fibers. After the cleaning process is complete, any necessary repairs will be made. This may include patching holes or tears, reweaving areas of wear, or even replacing sections of the rug if necessary.

Once the repairs are complete, the final step is to protect the rug with a fresh coat of protectorant. This will help to keep the rug looking its best for years to come. With proper care and regular cleaning, your rug will continue to look beautiful for many years to come.

We can organise cleans and repairs to rugs that may be previously written off or rugs that really require that extra attention. With dedicated cleaning systems and a drying room on our premises, we can give your rug the best possible chance of surviving a water damage incident.

Want more information about our Rug Restoration services?

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